Wednesday 7 March 2018


                           ……………….. By Bishop Shin

Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up.
Does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil;
Does not rejoice in iniquity but rejoices in the truth;
Bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never fails……………………………  ( I Corinthians 13:4-8a)

          When people fall in love at first, it all seems rosy and enjoying. The joy, peace and enthusiasm one feels is unexplainable. Our whole world takes a new turn and everything seems so bright and wonderful. We hope and pray that this new feelings never ends or stops.
          Unfortunately, it doesn’t always stay that way. Things sometimes takes a downward dive and we seem to wonder what went wrong. Was it the same person we fell in love with it? How did we get to this stage where we only tolerated each other?
          This is a common scenario is most relationships now. It all starts well and looks so wonderful but over a period of time we both start drifting apart until we have no other choice than to separate so we can have our peace.
          This problem in our generation can be avoided. We can have the most enjoying relationships if we really understood the word ‘love’. In the scripture text that was used in the opening, the author carefully summarized what it means to be in love. A lot of people enter into relationships without a clue as to what love entails or requires. The most powerful force on earth is love. It can break every obstacles and barriers and liberate the grieving or lonely soul.
          Many people don’t take the time to understand it, to learn about it, to accept it and to live it. A lot of people say love is not enough in a relationship. That’s wrong. Love is more than enough to sustain any and every relationship if it is understood and practiced.
          Love is not passive. Love is active. It is an action. Instead of talking, it goes out to demonstrate or get it done. Love is not in romantic words and sweet talks. Love is not in gifts and material things. Love is not in celebrations and feelings. Love has very little to do with feelings.
          Love is the act of prioritizing another person’s happiness, well-being, peace and wholeness as you would do for yourself. Love is being able to feel the pain and joy of the other person as if it was yourself. If you can’t do this, then you are not ready for a loving relationship.
          Let’s look at the summary of love as described in our opening lines.

         I.            LOVE IS LONGSUFFERING: Long suffering is the ability to endure. Most at times certain things your partner does can put you off. Love is able to endure all the shortcomings of your partner. As long as humans are not perfect and mistakes are bound to happen from any of us, the ability to endure and tolerate each other without giving up is a true sign that love is at work. Love suffers long. It doesn’t give up easily neither does it get tired of helping. Can you endure the shortcomings of your partner?

     II.            LOVE IS KIND: The act of always offering a helping hand to other is a sign of kindness. Love always looks out for the welfare of others and works to make it possible for others to be happy or comfortable. Love is all about sharing. It’s about being there for each other. It’s about being kind to your partner. Kindness is being tender and considerate with a helpful nature. Be willing and ready to offer a helping hand to your partner when they need it. Don’t act unconcerned.

 III.            LOVE DOES NOT ENVY: Envy, a feeling of grudging admiration or spite and resentment at the success of another. There are some people who envy their own partners. Love does not envy. Love is proud. Its happy and revels in the success of the other person. Love encourages and wish the very best for the other and never wishes to see them downtrodden. Love is happy at the success of their partner. Envy shows the absence of love. Envy brings strife and hatred and these oppose the spirit of love. Do you seek the success of your partner? Do you envy your partner because they are doing better than you?

  IV.            LOVE IS NOT PUFFED UP: Being puffed denotes pride. Speaking in a scornful manner. Love doesn’t parade itself as the ‘boss’ whiles looking down on everyone else or making everyone else feel inadequate. Such behavior is not love. Most men believe this manner of behaving solidifies their authority as the man of the house. Some resort to harsh words and derogatory remarks to prove they are the head. This act on the contrary shows the lack of love and respect one has for their partner. Be proud of your partner not to them. Boast about your partner, not to them. As a loving partner, don’t do or talk in a manner that will make your partner feel less inadequate before you. Be considerate. Be kind to them. Do you make your partner feel this way around you?

     V.            LOVE DOES NOT SEEK ITS OWN: The greatness virtue is the spirit of selflessness. It’s the biggest anyone can get from another person and it’s a demonstration of love at work. Love is selfless. It doesn’t seek its own benefits only. It is considerate of the feelings of others too. Love shares even the smallest thing just to make the other person comfortable and happy. A selfless partner makes the needs of their partner important. The needs of each of us differs. Being able to make time for your partner even though you are busy or tired is love. Sometimes you feel like being alone but your partner seems happy and wants to talk or play or have some fun. You put away your sad mood and joins them to have fun. That is love. Love is when you do things you had no desire of doing just to see the other person happy. Love is selfless. Are you selfless? Are you always demanding that things be done your way?

  VI.            LOVES THINKS NO EVIL: I have seen some people saying bad things about their ex. Some go as far as pronouncing curses on them, harming them and some even kill. Love does not think of such evil things. Domestic abuse, verbal abuse and all sorts of bad treatments in some relationships and still say they love the person. Any act that causes pain or that is evil can never be love for love is kind and considerate. Love is being able to feel like the other person is feeling as if it was your own self. Even during a break up, you will never wish evil for the other person because you love them. Do you cause your partner pains willingly?

VII.            LOVE IS NOT PROVOKED: Anger is a common bane among humans in the society. It’s easy to get people angry and such attitude must never enter a relationship. Be conscious of the fact that your partner is not you. Accept the fact that both of you were raised differently and such will act and do things differently from the way you do them or want them done. Don’t get angry or irritated if your partner doesn’t do things the way you want or expect them. In a gentle and loving manner, teach them the way to do it. Anger is bad for any relationship and if allowed to go on for long will cause you both to drift apart instead of getting closer. If you are quick-tempered, work on it. Learn to be gentle. It won’t be easy but it’s possible. Do it for your partner. Do it for yourself. Are you quick-tempered? Does your partner irritates you at the least things?

VIII.            LOVE NEVER FAILS: Love never fails. It’s unending. People say there is a thin line between love and hate. Love and hate are the north and south poles. They will never meet, neither will they cross to each other. You can’t love someone today and hate them tomorrow. It’s not possible. Even if you are angry or upset with them over something, the love will still be there unless you never loved them in the first place. Love can stand every barrier and obstacles that will rise up. Love is more than enough to overcome everything. It will always find a way. It will always go the extra mile to get things done. Are you in love? Is your love failing?

One will note that I didn’t use the phrase ‘true love’. This is because there is no true love or fake love. There’s only love. It’s either you are in love or you just playing around.

The point listed above are for people who wants to understand love and live in love. I believe love should be mutual. This makes it easier to practice these points given since both partners will be learning from it and be making efforts to make their relationship as loving as possible.

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