Saturday 28 April 2018

PRAYER – HOW TO PRAY ON DAILY BASIS - Minister Kendra Hammond

            Prayer is sharing in fellowship with God. To share interest in fellowship with God. Talking to Him at all times and anything and He also talking to you. Prayer can also be a requesting or pleading with God. It also means to surrender to God and to let His will be done.

            Jesus’ teaching on prayer was not necessarily a routine prayer for each day but it served as a model; a guide on how to pray effectively.
It teaches that effective prayer begins with puts the glory and interest of the Kingdom before mere personal interests.
It teaches that God is the believer’s father, meaning you can see God from the ‘fatherly’ point of view. A father has a lot characteristics which include love, provision etc. if God is your father, then other believers are your siblings and family. This teaches us love. To love one another and be each other’s keeper. If God is our father, then it pin-point to the fact a believer has a source. The source of provision for our needs.
·         Matthew 6:25-34 (basic needs)
·         Hebrews 2:18 (love)
·         Hebrews 4:15-16 (provision)
·         Proverbs 27:1 (care)
·         2 Timothy 1:7
·         1 Corinthians 3:16-20
The model prayer teaches that we should pray directly to God but not through any medium, person or other gods. God is not a respecter of persons, He does not show favoritism and so anyone that comes to Him, He will answer.
It makes us understand that when we pray, not if you pray. This means that prayer is a necessity and not optional. You need to pray or talk to God at all times whether the times are good or bad.


ü  Pray and praise His name first
Hallowed means “to be counted holy”- to be counted and treated differently. “Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name”. This model teaches us to first give praises and adorations to God. Praise God for all that He has done.

ü  Pray for the ruler ship of God
“Thy kingdom come”, meaning He should rule in the hearts of those in authority, He should rule in our lives. He should rule in the lives of all men… Romans 13:1-7.

ü  Pray that the will of God be done
“Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven”. This means the will and intentions and rule and plans of God concerning our lives now and beyond should prevail. The ‘earth’ signifies that, His will and plans should reign over the whole earth and not just in the lives of men. He should do with everyone as He pleases…. Ephesians 2:10


v  Will of man – Romans 7:15
v  Satan’s will – John 8:44
v  God’s will – Philippians 2:13
v  Other people’s will – 1 Peter 4:2

ü  Pray for provision
“Give us this day our daily bread”. Bread is the symbol for our needs and necessities for a good life. Bread is not just food but the other things we need as well like peace, joy, shelter, clothing etc. This means we need to pray every day. Jesus told his disciples not to worry about tomorrow but to be focused on today (Matthew 6:25). So this prayer focuses on today only. It also teaches us to pray for others as well.

ü  Pray for forgiveness of sins
“Forgive us our sins”.  You need to ask for forgiveness sins and also forgive those who offend you. In this way, you are free from the accuser(satan). It also ensures that your heart is free from bitterness and anger. It then paves way for all your prayers to be answered.
v  Gracefully God forgives us our sins – 1 John 4:9
v  So you have to forgive others – Matthew 6:14-15
v  Understand why the person did so – Proverbs 15:21
v  Forbear, do not retaliate – Col. 3:13, Eph. 4:2
v  Forgive and forget – Philippians 3:13

ü  Pray for protection
“Lead us not into temptation”.  God does not tempt us (James 1:13). Temptation is not a sin but it becomes a sin if you yield to it. So you pray for deliverance or dismiss any thoughts that are unholy or evil (1 Peter 5:8)

ü  End the prayer with praises and worship.
“For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, forever, amen.” The last word is ‘Amen’ meaning let it be so or it is done. The Word of God teaches us that anything we ask in the name of Jesus will be done so it is best to end your prayer “In Jesus Name”.

Follow this guide and pray the right and effective way…………. SHALOM!!!!

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