Wednesday 4 April 2018


          It is a common belief that men are hard hearted and mostly unable to feel or show emotions. Right from childhood, little boys have been taught that men don’t cry. It is a sign of weakness for a man to cry. These boys grow up into men and they choose or refuse to show any sign of weakness or emotions. They act like hard core criminals with no feelings.
          Seldom will you see a man crying. Even rarer is a man crying in public or when there are people around unless it’s a funeral. This attitude and way of life in our societies have led many to think men have little or no emotions. Women on the hand are filled with emotions and they can cry and get upset or hurt over the smallest thing.
          This has led to many men being abused and used in many relationships. Most men instead of complaining or speaking out when they find something their partner did offensive, they will not. They will rather bottle up their feelings and act like all is well when they know very well that they are not happy about something. They heard men don’t talk too much or complain. It’s very wrong!
          Men, just like women, also have feelings. In fact, a man has the same level of feelings and emotions as a woman. If man was a rigid, emotionless being, then it would be impossible for him to love. Thus, the Bible would never have told men to love their wives when it knows man can never show feelings. Men have feelings and can love greatly. In truth, a man can love and sacrifice more than a woman can.
          A quick look at the life of Adam and Eve. Eve was deceived by the serpent and as a result she lost her glory. Adam on the other hand was never deceived. He knew exactly what was happening but he chose to eat the fruit and be like Eve because of the great love he had for his wife. He sacrificed everything just to be with his wife. That is the real nature of every man, to love and sacrifice.
          Society and false teachings have corrupted the inner nature of men. It has made men care-less, uncaring, emotionless and unloving. It is seen as a sign of weakness if a man cries. It is seen as a bad thing if a man talks about things that makes him unhappy. Men have been barred from feeling and showing emotions. How then can the men show love to the women?
No wonder we have many men who cannot commit in a relationship. Most men who have been trained that way refuse to show emotions. They refuse to love and show care.

          To the ladies, treat a man the same way you want him to treat you no matter how little it seems. If that smallest thing can hurt your feelings, then be rest assured that the same thing will hurt him as well. Men are not robots with metal hearts. If you would not like it if a particular thing is done to you, then don’t do it to him and expect him to understand you. Yes, the smallest things hurt men too. Most just ignore it but that doesn’t mean he likes them.

          Two people can build a happy relationship if both will respect, love and treat each other the same way they would want to be treated.
          To the men, learn to talk when there’s something you don’t like. If there’s something your partner did which offended you, no matter how small, talk about it. Don’t keep all those hurts and pains in you. Talk about them and free yourself. In that way, you will both enjoy each other’s company.

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