Tuesday 22 May 2018


_Smith and Lara have been dating for just six months. Smith finds her very beautiful and a lovely lady but there is one problem he has: Lara is too expensive to keep. In the period of six months, he has almost spent all his savings. Now he is worried that as soon as he runs out of money, he will lose Lara._

Many young men keep complaining about the life style of ladies in today's society. Most of them claim the ladies are materialistic. If you don't have money, you can't get them. We have many ladies and gentlemen like that who only enter into a relationship for their own benefits.
These kind of people only date certain kind of people who fits their agenda and purpose. And to those ladies in this category, they prefer rich guys who can meet their needs.
As odd and bad as this may seem, it's perfectly normal and there's nothing wrong with it. We all as humans have preferences. Under normal circumstances, some ladies prefer fair guys over dark ones. Some prefer tall guys. Some like muscular guys, others prefer those with beards and a hairy body.

Men on the other hand also have their preferences. Some like thick and tall ladies. Others prefer only fair ladies whiles others will avoid fair ladies and choose a dark one. Most like women with big breasts or big bottoms with curves.
All these are normal because we are all different and unique in our own ways. God in His infinite wisdom also made humans of different types, shapes and sizes. So whether dark or fair, tall or short, thick or thin, hairy or hairless, there is someone out there who prefers them to the others.
It is in this same categorization that some ladies prefer rich guys over up and coming guys who are now trying to make it. That's their preference and you can't blame them.
The problem lies with the men who choose to have what they can't have or shouldn't have.

When you go to a boutique to buy shoes, you buy the one that fits you. Just because an extra large shoe in the corner is more beautiful doesn't mean you should buy that one. It won't fit your feet and it will be a waste of time, money and resources.

The same thing happens when you choose someone you shouldn't. If she prefers a rich guy and you are not rich, look for another lady whose preference is not a rich guy.
There are many ladies who fits what you need. Look for them and stop blaming all ladies, because even the guys also have their preferences.

Choose the person that suits you and you will enjoy your relationship. She may not be packaged as you expected but she will be what you need! Stay focused and choose well.

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