Friday, 1 June 2018

WHAT A MAN NEEDS FROM A WOMAN!!! .................... By Bishop Shin

Men are simple beings in character yet complex in nature. They are easy to live with yet complex to understand. Most ladies complain all the time that men are unfaithful and ingrates. You can do everything for them yet they will still stab you in the back or leave you stranded in a relationship.
So then, what does a man need from a woman? How can a lady keep a man and both will be happy?

To understand the nature of a man, we have to go back to the creation of the first man, Adam. At this point, man was pure and possess the qualities God imbued in him.

  God created the man first before the woman. God put man in charge of the whole earth, to subdue it and rule it. God told man to copulate and increase in number. When there was trouble and God came down to ask about it, He asked Adam first.

Below are the most important needs of all men from a woman.

RESPECT HIM: Most ladies mistakenly assume the biggest need of a man is sex as such once they are giving sex, the man should be loyal. It's a wrong assumption. When God created the earth, He left it in the hands of Adam(man). Man was the leader/boss/owner of everything on the earth. As such it is the nature of every man to lead, to rule and to be in charge. It doesn't matter his size, stature, finances or educational level. He is still a man and that nature of ruling is still in him. Anything that makes a man feel less of himself will be greatly resisted. This is why men get desperate and frustrated easily when he lacks certain things like money. As a woman, never make your man feel less of a man. Even if you are the one doing everything for him, never make him feel inadequate. If you can't tolerate his present condition, let him go.  It's better than being with him and continuously making him feel less of a man. When he becomes self sufficient, he will leave. Make him feel special and loved as a man. He will always value you.

MAKE HIM FIRST: Adam, the man was created before the woman. When there was trouble in the garden, God came to ask Adam. One of man's nature is to come first in everything. As a woman, don't and never compare him to anyone. Don't value your friends and others more than your man. Don't place him on the same level with anyone. Not even your pastor should have preeminence over him. He is the head and should be treated as such. He is the first and the last in the family.

SATISFY HIM SEXUALLY: To the married, sex is a part of every man. For the purpose of procreation, a man, unless riddled with diseases and some accident, can produce till he dies. That is how men were created. Starving your man or using sex as a weapon against him is an unwise thing to do. Depriving him of sex is like depriving him of food. A hungry man is an angry man. A well fed man have no desire for food from outside. To a hungry man, even meat pie looks like a cake.

ADD VALUE TO HIS LIFE: After creation, God saw that everything was good but man was incomplete(he was alone). God created the woman to complete the man(a helpmeet). Men will always prefer a woman who adds value to them. That's their nature. Instead of being dependent on a man, give him a reason to get better. Motivate him. Encourage him. Give him plans and ideas. Help him build. Don't be a spectator in his life. Don't sit down and wait for him to go and bring you the good things. Don't be with him and yet he feels alone. Be there with him. A man will easily bond with a woman who makes him feel that he has a support and a helpmeet.

ATTRACT HIM: When Adam woke up from his sleep and saw Eve for the first time, he was mesmerized by what he saw. Eve instantly attracted him and Adam immediately fell in love. Men are easily moved by what they see. Men like attractive women. A woman should be able to capture a man with her physical outlook. Be neat and well dressed. Be attractive and presentable. The truth is, no matter how virtuous and awesome you are, if you are too shabby and not well kept, it will be difficult, if not impossible to attract a man. Always look good for your man. That's one way of keeping him.

Men are in different kinds and everyone have what pleases them but ALL men needs these 5 points listed above. Do them for your man and you will surely keep him forever.

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