Wednesday, 21 February 2018


............................By Bishop Shin

            There is a saying that no one is perfect. It’s true as we are all making efforts to be our very best for ourselves and the people around us in the society. One cannot expect a hundred percent efficiency from people.
            One of the easiest ways to enjoy your relationship is to stop expecting a hundred percent efficiency from your partner. We all have our weaknesses and shortcomings. All these make us who we are and these differences make us unique and beautiful in our own way.
            However, there are some behaviors or attitudes that must be avoided when it comes to dating or going into a relationship with someone. These habits have been a practice for a long period of time and have become a part of the individual. Not only that, these habits are harmful and dangerous to the success of any relationship.
            Below is a list of 4 kinds of people you must avoid when it comes to relationships.

1.     CHRONIC INFEDELITY: One of the most painful experience a person can go through is when their partner cheats on them. As bad as it is the first time, being a continuous affair can be dangerous for anyone in that position. Someone who is always cheating needs to be avoided at all times. Cheating is a sign of disrespect and lack of love towards your partner. One time may have been a mistake but when it becomes a habit of the other person always doing it and asking for forgiveness is something that anyone must avoid for the sake of one’s peace and happiness. A relationship without peace or happiness is not worth having.

2.     SECRETIVE: It’s normal and perfectly healthy to have a few secrets as a human. However, in a relationship it should be an open for both of you. No secrets. No hide and seek. If the other person is the secretive type who hides their private life from you, then you should avoid such. A relationship built on secret will soon fail. A friend at one time told me of a new relationship he has gotten into but the lady wants the relationship to be a secret. I just asked him why and he had no good reason from the lady. A relationship started on secrecy will fail as quickly as it started. Avoid a secretive person when it comes to relationships.

3.     NARCISSIST: A narcissist is someone who is self-centered. These are people who love themselves more than anyone else. It’s not a bad thing to love yourself but narcissist take it to the extreme. Everything must be about them. They care more about themselves than anyone. Such people will never sacrifice anything of theirs for you. Love is kind and it should be willing to sacrifice. Sacrifice is a word that can’t be found in their dictionary. Being in a relationship with someone like that will result in a one sided-relationship where you will be the one always making efforts to make it work and they will never do anything beyond them to help you when the need arises. Beware of narcissists.

4.     DIFFERENT SEX DRIVE:   Sex is one topic a lot of people especially Christians don’t talk about when entering a new relationship. They all want to look innocent and appear ‘angelic’. This is a big mistake people make. As humans, we all have different sexual drives and libido. Some have low libidos. Other have a moderate one and some have heightened level of libido. Imagine the disaster awaiting to happen when someone with a low libido marries someone with a high libido? The end result will be catastrophic. Infidelity will definitely set in as one partner will be starving the other. Note that there is nothing wrong with someone with a high libido. A certain married man couldn’t stay at home during the weekends. He doesn’t work on weekends but he can’t stay home. This is because his wife has a very high libido and when given the chance she can have sex the whole day. This was killing the man slowly as he couldn’t keep up with the stamina of his wife. He was afraid of being at home with his own wife. So before you say ‘Yes’ to a relationship, be sure of your sexual drive and that of the other person. You may think it’s not important now, but you might regret it when you marry if you both have different sexual drives.

Contact Bishop on +233(0)545887770

Friday, 16 February 2018

……… By Bishop Shin

“ Nancy and John have been dating not long. One day Nancy saw the pictures of different ladies on John’s phone and she got worried. “who are these ladies”? “Is John cheating on me”? “Are there other ladies in his life that I don’t know about”?
Nancy kept asking a lot more questions since that day and before long, every day was filled with more suspicions and eventually the relationship turned sour”.
One of the common mistakes most couples and those in relationships make is to assume. Assumption stems from the mind. The mind controls all the other parts of the body. This could be dangerous if the assumptions are severe. It leaves one restless with lots of unanswered questions. Assumptions rob one of their peace. It doesn’t solve anything in the long run. And in the end, just like the story of Nancy and John, it will turn the relationship sour and eventually end it.
I have listened to some people share their worries about what they think their partners are doing based on something they have seen or heard. These people gradually start to lose trust for the other and a relationship without trust is as good as dead.
Communication is the most important thing in a relationship. The ability to talk about everything and anything ensures that the right foundation is laid down for a successful relationship. If you see or hear anything you are not happy or comfortable with concerning your partner, the best person to ask is your partner. Stop assuming things. Learn to talk and to ask questions about things that bother you, things that can rob you of your peace and eventually cause you two to drift apart. 
A lot of relationships start dying this way, too many assumptions with less communication. Once assumptions and suspicions set in, the partners become detectives as well. Monitoring and collecting information as evidence to prove their assumptions. You will only get yourself hurt and ruin the relationship.
If you find yourself in any such situation that need clearing up, ask your partner all the questions you have. Don’t assume anything. Don’t be suspicious of things. Ask and it shall be given. This way, it will draw you both closer and you will enjoy a peaceful, happy relationship devoid of assumptions and love.
“Ask and it shall be given, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you
          (Matthew 7:7)

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